
Are you interested in spending your life making other people look fabulous? Becoming a hairstylist isn’t as easy as it looks, but it does put you in a fantastic career that you’ll enjoy for a lifetime.

But what should you know before setting off on your journey to becoming a stylist?

We’re here to talk about it. Keep reading for a brief rundown of what you need to know before you start applying to hairstylist positions and programs.

Hairstylist Requirements

The requirements for hairstylists vary depending on where the stylist lives. Different states have different requirements, but most require a hairstyling license. Even if the state doesn’t require it, it’s a good idea to go through cosmetology school and get a license anyway.

To start cosmetology school, most people will need a high school diploma or a GED. Some high schools offer cosmetology programs alongside traditional education as long as the students are in good standing.

Cosmetology school often takes less than a year to complete. After this, the student may have to work “low-level” jobs in salons to gain experience. Stylists may choose to continue their education as they progress through their careers so they can offer more services.

Hairstylist Salary: Is It Profitable?

Not all hairstylists are alike.

Most of the time, hairstylists are contractors. They rent a chair at a salon and set their own prices (within reason). Because of this, a stylist can have an incredibly profitable career if they’re careful.

Some stylists choose to simplify their lives by opting for lower-cost salons. This gives them consistent clientele, but they will make less money per client.

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If you plan on living and working in an area with a high cost of living, you can price your services accordingly and make a good amount of money. As a beginner, it’s a good idea to get your foot in the door with a busy salon and lower prices so you can gain experience, build up a client list, and move forward later on.

So in other words, being a hairstylist can be profitable, but you’re responsible for your profits.

Benefits of Becoming a Hairstylist

So why be a hairstylist anyway?

First, as we mentioned, you’re in control of your own profits. While this can lead to some financial insecurity at first, once you get your footing you’ll be able to charge what you think that you’re worth. There’s nothing better than this.

You also have the ability to work anywhere. There are salon jobs all over the world, so as long as you have a great portfolio and strong references, you’ll never have to worry about whether or not your job can move with you.

You also get to spend your life making other people look and feel beautiful. It’s so rewarding when you get to see your client look at the finished product in the mirror.

Are You a Future Hairstylist?

With this in mind, is becoming a hairstylist the right path for you? Styling hair is fun and exciting. Hairdressers get great job flexibility and they can make a lot of money doing something that they love!

Start looking into local cosmetology programs and start chasing your dreams today.

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