Anxiety Crystals

What are the 3 main sources of anxiety?

For most Americans, the biggest sources of anxiety are health, finances, and safety. While you can take steps to take care of these areas of your life, there will always be aspects that are outside of your control.

Almost 40% of Americans today find themselves struggling with severe anxiety. While there are prescription medications that can help with anxiety, many of them come with unpleasant side effects.

Luckily, now there’s a holistic approach you can take, using the healing power of crystals. Read on to learn about 3 of the most effective crystals for anxiety.

Best Crystals for Anxiety

Finding the best crystals for anxiety depends on the type of anxiety you’re dealing with. Are you dealing with a severe case of chronic anxiety that’s impacting other areas of your life?

Is your anxiety based on a specific situation, such as stage fright? Take a moment to think about the anxious feelings you’ve been battling.

Go ahead and write down what causes your anxiety, how severe it is, and the ways it’s impacting your life. Once you’re clear about the type of anxiety you’re dealing with, it’ll be much easier to find the perfect crystal to help you personally.

Amazing Amethyst Crystals

If you’re dealing with day-to-day stress, and amethyst crystal could be the perfect choice for you. The properties of amethyst allow it to be calming, while also encouraging.

Stress can build up over time, causing your muscles to be tight, as well as impacting your overall health. Headaches, digestive problems, and anxiety are all symptoms of chronic stress.

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An amethyst Crystal will help take away your daily stress, allowing you to sleep better at night. To use an Amethyst Crystal, you’ll want to place it over your third eye. Be patient as you let the crystal open up your mind, calm your spirit and free your intuition.

Blue Lace Agate

Do you have to speak in front of a crowd of people? Dealing with stage fright can be overwhelming. Luckily, with the help of blue lace agate, you can calm your mind while also learning to speak your truth.

To get the best use of the blue lace agate crystal, you’ll want to hold it in your hand and close your eyes. Take a few deep cleansing breaths as you allow the crystal to work its magic.

Soon, you’ll start to experience a wave of calm energy flowing over your body. However, rather than promoting rest as the amethyst does, the blue lace agate will give you a boost of energy. Not nervous, bubbly energy, but rather, still and serene energy.

Black Tourmaline

Are you experiencing anxiety because there’s somebody in your life who is causing you harm? Whether you’re dealing with a work bully or a toxic family member, the black tourmaline crystal can help restore your sense of well-being.

Black tourmaline is a stone of protection. You’ll be putting up the boundary of energy between yourself and others.

To use the black tourmaline crystal, you’ll want to place it outside of your front door. The crystal will begin to work its magic as it creates a shield of protection around your entire aura.

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Feel Your Best

Anxiety can be crippling, but now you know about 3 crystals for anxiety that can help. We hope our article will inspire you to find the right crystal to help with your situation.

Would you like to find more ways to feel your best in life? Go ahead and read another one of our articles today.