best face liftThere are loads of different reasons people have face lifts and other cosmetic procedures done, but the desired outcome is almost always the same: a beautiful, younger, brighter face.

There are lots of horror stories about botched plastic surgeries, and these can make many potential candidates wary of pursuing their own cosmetic procedures. But the fact is, with modern technologies and medical advancements, it’s easy to come out of a cosmetic procedure with entirely satisfactory results.

One of the most surefire ways to ensure you’re happy with the state of your face following a cosmetic procedure is to do your research first–to really learn what it is you need to do in order to get the very best face lift.

Here are 10 of our top tips to get you started!

1. Decide Why You Want a Face Lift

Unlike treating yourself to that afternoon Starbucks latte, a face lift isn’t something you should do simply in order to “treat yourself.” While the results of a face lift may seem like a real treat, it shouldn’t be the reason you decide to go for it.

You also shouldn’t have a face lift in hopes of having it turn your life around. A good face lift can help improve your self-image and help you feel more confident in your daily life, but it won’t fix all your problems.

If you’re already at a place in your life where you’re comfortable with yourself and the current state of your life, but feel like your body image could use a little boost, you might be in good mental shape for a face lift!

Take the time to understand your motivations for pursuing a face lift. If your desires are simple and rational, go for it!

2. Make Sure You’re Emotionally Ready

When you were a teenager and you were in the throes of your first big breakup, you cut off all your hair. Remember? And you hated it the week after. Remember?

We tend to do some irrational things when we’re in a less-than-stable mental state. Making big physical changes is often our first instinct when experiencing emotional trauma or turmoil. It’s human nature.

But that spur-of-the-moment haircut when you were 17: your hair grew back out. When it comes to any sort of cosmetic surgery, reversal is much more complicated, and often, impossible. Never make a decision regarding cosmetic surgery when feeling even a little emotionally unstable.

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A face lift–even an amazing one–won’t bring you out of a dark place in your life. In fact, major surgery such as a face lift can actually worsen existing depression symptoms. Get a face lift when you’re feeling good and stable.

3. Study & Understand the Risks

As with even the most minor of procedures, a cosmetic face lift can come with a plethora of risks and hurdles in recovery. It’s important that you enter your face lift in full understanding of all the risks involved.

There are the standard risks associated with anesthesia such as infection and blood loss. But when it comes to cosmetic surgery, there are added risks with the aesthetic outcome of your procedure; there could be issues with asymmetry, swelling, and prolonged healing.

Because there is potential for your face to lead to a less-than-desirable outcome, you’ll need to understand the risks well ahead of time. Acknowledge the possibility of follow-up corrective procedures, of slow healing, of waiting for small issues to correct themselves, and so on.

Do your research, talk with your doctor, and ensure you know all the facts.

4. Prepare for a Follow-Up Surgery

It’s obvious to most people that any significant cosmetic surgery will likely require a fair amount of recovery time; you can consult your surgeon for information of just how long you might expect your own recovery to take. But one thing people often fail to do is prepare for follow-up surgery after the initial procedure and healing periods have elapsed.

Even with the most careful and expert surgeons, some face lift procedures require follow-up surgery to correct and fine-tune results. It’s important to prepare for this possibility in advance of your surgery.

It’s okay (and necessary!) to communicate any dissatisfaction with your procedure’s results. Keeping a good and open conversation with your surgeon throughout the process of your cosmetic surgery will help you get the results you want, even if it takes a bit of follow-up work to get things right.

5. Know What You Want

Sometimes people find themselves in a position where they’re not sure what, exactly, needs work–they just know something could benefit from a little tune-up. When it comes to your face, it’s important to decide what it is you want done and why before you go under the knife.

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Talking with your surgeon about the places on your face that you see as “problem areas” can be a great way to figure this out. Your surgeon may be able to recommend procedures you don’t know about, or they might just have a fresh and expert opinion as to what’ll work best for your face.

Many doctors ask patients to bring pictures of their ideal outcomes; if you’re looking to change your nose, you might bring photos of a celebrity’s nose you’re fond of so your surgeon can get a better vision for what you want. Keep in mind that you’ll likely not get an exact replica of the examples you bring in and remember to listen to your surgeon’s recommendation, too.

6. Understand the Different Possibilities

Face lifts are tailored to each person’s individual face. But there are 2 basic categories of the “face lift” that you can choose from.

The mini-face lift is a great option for candidates who are at the earlier stages of physical aging. Someone with a mild degree of sagging jowls and wrinkled skin would undergo a mini-face lift, where the surgeon would use small incisions to tighten the deep facial tissues. The mini-face lift is the less-invasive option, and can often be performed with local anesthesia.

The standard face lift is great for candidates with more severe signs of aging. It targets the face and neck and usually produces more dramatic results, although it also requires heavier anesthesia and more recovery time.

7. Be Sure You Can Afford a Good One

Your face lift should make you feel good. Spending too much money and ending up in over your head, however, is no way to get there!

Average prices of face lifts vary among surgeons and practices, across the country, and from face-to-face. It’s important to consult with your surgeon, clearly communicating your desired outcomes and being extremely transparent about your budget.

Treating yourself to a face lift may entail a process of saving and penny-pinching. Just make sure that, once you decide to invest, you’re spending your money on a good surgeon who shares your vision for your face lift.

8. Find a Good Surgeon

A recurring theme throughout each of these tips is this: a good surgeon!

Your surgeon isn’t only the person who’ll be operating on you the day of your surgery. They’re also the person who’ll advise your choices beforehand, provide care after the fact, and communicate with you thoroughly during the process.

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Do as much research as possible. Connect with past patients, look for horror-stories, and meet potential surgeons yourself. You can learn more about the best surgeons in your area by consulting all the local resources.

Don’t rush the process of selecting the perfect surgeon–take the time to get to know different practices and surgeons’ values and reputations. Choose the professional who seems like the best possible fit for you and your face.

9. Follow After-Care Instructions

Following your face lift, you’ll experience significant swelling and bruising. After about 6 to 8 weeks, you’ll start seeing noticeable improvement, but it’ll be about 12 weeks before final results have come to the surface.

It’s crucial for best results (and your health and safety!) that you follow your surgeon’s after-care instructions closely. You’ll likely be sent home wearing a head-wrap to keep the face compressed, as well as with a list of very specific after-care instructions.

Failing to follow after-care instructions and to attend follow-up exams can cause a great face lift to become disastrous. Your surgeon isn’t giving after-care instructions just for fun; they’re telling you how you need to care for yourself in the weeks following your face lift to allow for the best possible results.

10. Anticipate Long-Term Results

While the initial results of a face lift are obvious and typically satisfactory, some patients worry about how their face lift will age. If you’ve gotten a good face lift from a good surgeon, the short answer should be that your face lift will age well.

A good face lift will look natural and it’ll age naturally, too. The difference is that following your face lift your appearance will age from a much more youthful starting-point.

Adopt a quality, consistent skin-care routine to keep your face looking years younger than its actual age for the rest of your life!

Want to Get the Best Face Lift?

Getting a face lift is a big decision that can improve your body image dramatically. For many people, it’s one of the very best decisions they ever make!

For more tips on how to get the best face lift, and for other awesome beauty content, check out our page!