Smile With Your Eyes

Some say it’s all about your smile, while others say it’s all about your eyes. What if it was about combining the two?

Are you a wannabe influencer trying to get that perfect photo for your followers? Make yourself seem more approachable by learning how to smile with your eyes or “how to smize.”

In the age of COVID-19, with everyone wearing masks to keep others safe, you can still take those stunning pictures by showing your smiling eyes.

Here’s a guide on how to do that and why it’s important.

The Window to Your Soul

William Shakespeare’s famous line is that “the eyes are the window to your soul.” Knowing this, take it to heart.

As humans, we have decent reads on body language, and your eyes are no exception to this. Based on your eyes’ expression, someone may be able to tell if you are upset or if you are joyful.

Keeping this in mind, this is why learning how to smile with your eyes is all the more important. Even if your mouth isn’t visible in your photos, those looking at it may still feel compelled to believe you are smiling after all.

Click here to learn more from dentists about how they can help your smile too.

How to Smile with Your Eyes While Wearing a Mask

Since we are all still wearing masks to stay safe, it is all the more prudent to learn how to smile with your eyes while wearing a mask. Here are some tips and tricks to really hone in on your smiling eyes.

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Start with an Actual Smile

Just because you’re focusing on your smize doesn’t mean you still can’t smile! This is the first step and good practice to be on your way to smizing away.

This is often called the Duchenne smile: a genuine smile that reaches up to your eyes. The Duchenne smile will crinkle the corners of your eyes, which is why when you are smiling or laughing sincerely, you’ve succeeded!

Remember the Duchenne Smile Sensation

Your face feels different when you have a genuine smile versus when you are forcing it. Hone in on the Duchenne smile sensation. A real smile is not only natural but feels simple to do.

Compare the sensations of a real smile versus a forced one. See the difference? A forced one will hurt your face after a while, but a genuine one makes you feel good.

Time to Smize

Time to work on that eye-smile thanks to the prep work of the Duchenne smile!

Squint only slightly to get the same effect on your eyes that a Duchenne smile would give you. Also, look at the person or camera you’re smiling at: this eye contact makes all the difference.

It takes practice but also confidence. Your smile is beautiful, and smiling only with your eyes is also beautiful. Own it and let others see that confidence shine!

How to Smile with Your Eyes

Knowing how to smile with your eyes is more important now than ever since people wear masks or only engage without masks on the virtual sphere. Master your smizing technique thanks to this guide!

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