Facial Treatments

According to one study, more than 80 percent of all Americans wash their faces incorrectly. If you struggle with acne, fine lines, or dull skin, you may be a part of this large group. 

Many people have no idea what products they should be using, when to use them, or how to use them. This confusion can cause many to improperly wash their face or not do it at all. 

This is why daily or monthly facial treatments are so beneficial. Trained estheticians analyze and treat your skin concerns with high-end products. When you leave your appointment you’ll have beautiful, glowing skin.

Keep reading to find out even more benefits of receiving regular facials. 

1. Improve Blood Circulation

Every type of massage uses movement to increase blood circulation in some part of the body. Increasing blood circulation helps bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells allowing them to heal more easily. 

When you get a facial, your esthetician will massage your cheeks, forehead, and jaw to improve blood circulation around your face. This can make you appear brighter and younger, and make your face fuller. 

2. Reduce Acne, Whiteheads, and Blackheads

Acne is a common problem for people of all ages these days. With the amount of stress we go through, the air we let into our pores, and the foods we eat, some of us are more prone to acne than ever. 

By doing regular facial treatments, the acne-causing bacteria on our face can be wiped out before they ever cause problems. Additionally, the products used can help prevent acne in the first place. 

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The more facials you receive, the less acne, whiteheads, and blackheads you should see. The process can also eliminate acne scars, so you may look your best. 

3. Stress Reduction

Stress is a terrible feeling that can wreck all sorts of havoc on our minds, bodies, and faces. One way to reduce the stress that causes problems in our everyday lives is to participate in daily facial treatments. 

It’s amazing how beneficial face treatments can be for letting go of daily stressors that cause wrinkles, acne, and more. You will relax while expert estheticians hit stress-reducing pressure points to relax you further. 

4. Deeper Cleansing

The deep cleansing aspect of facial treatments is the best way to rid your pores of bacteria, dirt, and sweat that causes problematic skin. Our daily cleaners claim to treat much of this, but professionals do a much better job.

After each facial, you will be able to walk out with perfectly cleaned, hydrated, and glowing skin that feels great and looks great. 

Trendy facials such as the SkinWave Hydrafacial can be extremely helpful in cleansing your face deeply. The Contour Mobile Aesthetics website has more information.

5. Anti-Aging

When you start noticing crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and eyebags, daily facials can help reverse your aging. Often when we are still young, these problems can come from improperly caring for our skin. 

Regular facial treatments will make sure you have access to the right oils, lotions, and serums to help your skin fight these signs of aging. The professional massages and cleansers assist in this battle too. 

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Start Daily Facial Treatments

Daily facial benefits go beyond the five we can list. You may also enjoy tighter skin, even skin tone, skin detoxification, and more. You’ll have to schedule your first facial treatments to know what we’re talking about. 

If you want to learn more about how to take care of your face, check out the rest of our beauty page to find articles similar to this one.