woman in plastic surgery office

If you’re undergoing plastic surgery, you should know what to expect during the recovery process.

Plastic surgery has been used to give patients their desired look. Some elect for surgery because of medical problems, while others choose to for beauty reasons. No matter your reason, there are some things you should know.

The process can vary depending on the procedure and person. If you’re considering going under the knife, keep reading to learn what you can expect. Here’s a glance at the plastic surgery recovery 101.

The Plastic Surgery Recovery Process

The plastic surgery recovery process will depend on the procedure you have, who does it, and your health. As a general rule, you can initially expect swelling and pain at incision sites. You will likely require bandages for a set amount of time.

For some, the recovery process can last anywhere from six to twelve weeks. For others, it can take much longer. These factors are determined by the patient’s health and the procedure.

The surgeon will likely prescribe pain medications to help minimize any discomfort. It’s common for facial cosmetic operations to have minimal discomfort post-op. Operations that require tightening of the muscles can cause more pain.

Tips for a Smoother Recovery

One of the simplest ways to achieve a soother recovery is to follow the doctor’s orders. To keep the area free of infection, change the bandages when told. To ease the pain, take the medication prescribed.

It may take some time for you to return to your daily routine and activities. You may need to have additional assistance for the first few weeks when it comes to taking care of your kids and running errands. You should speak to your doctor about anticipated restricted activities.

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Assuming your job isn’t strenuous, you may be able to return to work within a few days post-op. For roles that require heavy lifting, you’ll need to wait until you’ve healed. The same goes for working out and your fitness regimen.

How to Prepare for Surgery

Before your surgery, you should discuss the recovery process with your doctor. They will be able to inform you of how much time you should take off work, and how long you’ll need help from loved ones. By learning what to expect, you’ll be able to plan accordingly.

The days leading up to the procedure, you should handle upcoming errands and go grocery shopping. You should also arrange a ride home from the clinic. Ask a reliable person early on to ensure you have a safe choice.

The day of surgery may require additional tasks or objectives. You should speak with your doctor about any necessary steps you’ll need to prepare. Depending on the procedure, you may be asked to fast before coming in.

How to Maintain Results

Maintaining the results will reduce your risk of needing future procedures. A healthy diet and exercising regularly can help you maintain body contouring results. After the initial waiting period, you can return to your regimen for lasting results.

Another simple way to maintain the results is to practice good skin care. Your doctor can inform you of the best creams and ointments for your condition. To save yourself time and money, only use products that your cosmetic surgeon has recommended.

You should always be honest with your doctor about your lifestyle. This includes how often you smoke, drink, and any medications or supplements you use. The surgeon will tell you the steps to take to prepare and what you should avoid.

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Where to Receive the Best Plastic Surgery in Charlotte

Every year since 2016, Charlotte Plastic Surgery has been voted for by locals as the “best plastic surgery practice” in the Charlotte Magazine BOB (Best of the Best) Awards. In 2010, when Business NC honored the 15 best plastic surgeons in North Carolina, five of them were from the Charlotte Plastic Surgery team. When you’re looking for the best results, these professionals have earned their place.

The American Board of Plastic Surgery requires both the completion of an accredited plastic surgery residency program and a period of practice experience with rigorous written and oral examinations. All their senior physicians have completed this process. Charlotte Plastic Surgery’s dedication to board certification is a reflection of their standards of excellence.

If you’re undergoing breast reduction surgery, their team can help! You can visit https://www.charlotteplasticsurgery.com/ for more information, including before and after photos. Their experienced and renowned plastic surgeons are available for a free plastic surgery consultation to discuss your upcoming procedure, the surgical techniques, and the type of results you can expect in more detail.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Now that you’ve made your appointment with your plastic surgeon, now’s your chance to trade information. You’ll want to first compile your medical information so you can share it with the doctor. One smart thing to include is a list of the following questions:

  • How long the recovery process will be?
  • Any bathing restrictions?
  • When can you return to daily activities and work?
  • Any day-of restrictions?
  • Are there risks caused by medical conditions?
  • And anything else you may find beneficial for your situation.
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Depending on your health, you may be more susceptible to higher risks. You should be open and honest to achieve the best outcome. Failing to disclose certain information could be fatal.

Happy Healing

Congratulations, you’re one step closer to achieving the results you desire. Depending on your procedure and patient, the recovery process can vary from person to person. You can use this plastic surgery recovery 101 to give you a basic understanding of what you can expect during the healing process.

While it’s true that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, there’s more you can do to give your self-esteem the boost it needs. If you’re interested in learning more ways you can improve your confidence, you can explore our blog longer. We have the top beauty secrets and style tips that will help you achieve a glow-up worth boasting about.